Let's celebrate Women's Day together! -20% on selected items with the code: WOMEN20
Don't miss the chance to refresh and treat yourself! The offer is valid until March 12, 2025. Žiūrėti
Any questions?+370 (5) 2080009

Terms and Conditions valid until 2023-05-23

I. General provisions

  1. The rules of Open24 online store (hereinafter "the Store") (hereinafter "the Rules") shall be applicable to Customers placing orders in Open24 Store.
  2. Open24 shall have the right to change the Rules of the Store. The Rules applicable at the moment of placement of an order (provided in the order) shall apply to Customers buying in the Store.
  3. Customers shall not be allowed to place an order with Open24 if they are not familiar with the Rules of the Store. In any case, Customers shall be deemed to have familiarised themselves with and accept the Rules if they confirm their acceptance of the Rules before ordering products by clicking "I AGREE". In cases where a Customer partially or completely disagrees with all or a certain part of the Rules, the Customer shall not place an order electronically at Open24, otherwise the Customer shall be deemed to be familiar with and unconditionally agree to all the Rules of the Store.
  4. Open24 shall be exempted from any liability in cases where losses result from failure by Customers to familiarise themselves with the Rules of the Store regardless of recommendations provided to them and their obligations, although they have had such a possibility.

II. Privacy policy

  1. If a Customer wishes to get Open24 information notices, the Customer can choose to receive such notices.
  2. A cookie – is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in the user's web browser while the user is browsing it. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to notify the user's previous activity. Cookies help you resume where you left off, remember your registered login, theme selection, preferences and let us to suggest you the content you might be interested in. Cookies allows us to:

    •          Ensure consistent functionality throughout a visit,
    •          Ensure proper functionality of the shopping cart,
    •          Remind you about the products You have liked,
    •          Collect users browsing history on our website.

    To get information about erasing all the saved cookies from your computer, read your browser instructions, which can be found in browser‘s Menu, Help section.

    Note: without cookies our website will be unable to function properly.

  3. The following personal data of Customers necessary for the delivery of products shall be provided when ordering products: forename; surname; address to which the products will be delivered; telephone number; other data necessary for delivery. Open24 confirms that such data will be used solely for product ordering and delivery purposes. Open24 undertakes not to disclose such information to third parties, except for Open24 partners providing product delivery services and other services related to the placement or execution of Customers' orders. Any other exceptions to the disclosure of personal information of Customers to third parties shall, in any case, be agreed with Customers. In any other cases, any personal data of Customers may be disclosed to third parties only in cases provided for in legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. 
  4. When registering in Open24 Store and ordering products, a Customer undertakes to store the login information of the Customer and not to disclose it to anyone. In addition, the Customer confirms that the Customer is an adult and has the right to order products from Open24 Store. In the event that the Customer discloses the login information of the Customer, Open24 shall be exempted from any liability relating thereto.
  5. Familiarising themselves with the Rules, Customers confirm that they are aware that cookies (files sent from a web server) will be placed in their computers when browsing Open24 Store.
  6. Open24 confirms that it seeks to use advanced technology for the protection of personal data of Customers.

III. Procedure and conditions for placing an order

  1. Customers visiting the website of the Store select products they like. The shopping cart is formed based on their choice.
  2. After forming the shopping cart, Customers shall enter the following data necessary for the delivery of selected products: forename, surname, address to which the products will be delivered, telephone and additional information that may be important when delivering the ordered products. Open24 confirms that the data provided by Customers will be used solely for product sale and delivery purposes without prejudice to personal data protection requirements laid down in legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
  3. Then Customers must select one of the payment methods available at Open24 Store (for more information, see section IV of the Rules). Customers can also select delivery time from the delivery time options offered by Open24, which are indicated as hour intervals. Customers must also confirm that they agree to be at the indicated address at the selected or established time.
  4. All data provided by Customers are generated in the last window. Before confirming the data, Customers shall make sure that the data are correct and correspond to their wishes. Customers can correct erroneous data before sending the order to Open24. Customers can also correct personal data necessary for the delivery of products after placing an order. Customers shall not be able to confirm an order until the moment they indicate that they are familiar with and agree to the Rules of Opep24 Store. In the event that a Customer is not familiar with the Rules of the Store before selecting products, the Customer shall do this before confirming the Customer's order and data provided in it.
  5. After the Customer has confirmed the order, it is sent to Open24. An order shall be deemed to have been submitted from the moment Open24 receives it. It addition, it shall be deemed that the Customer and Open24 have concluded an agreement. However, such an agreement shall be deemed to be enforceable only from the moment Open24 receives a confirmation of payment for the delivered products from the bank selected by the Customer.
  6. After the Customer has placed the order, Open24 will automatically send an e-mail to the Customer, indicating the ordered products and data provided by the Customer.
  7. After Open24 receives a notice from the bank that the Customer has made a payment order for purchasing products from the Store, the Customer will be sent a notice to the indicated e-mail address. The moment of receipt of the notice from the bank shall be deemed to be the moment of the start of performance of the agreement between the Customer and Open 24.
  8. The Customer's order shall be stored in the Open 24 database in accordance with the requirements regarding the period of storage of such data laid down in the effective legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.
  9. In any case, when placing an order, the Customer shall be deemed to be familiar with and unconditionally agree to all the Rules of the Store as well as to all the other conditions specified in the order.
  10. The agreement shall be concluded and executed in the Lithuanian or English languages.


IV. Warranty and product pricing

1. The properties of each product are specified next to each product in the Store.

2. Open24 states and the Customer confirms that the Customer is aware that the colour, shape or other parameters of the products offered at the Store may not correspond to the actual size, shape and colour of the products due to the specific features of the monitor used.

3. The Customer agrees that by placing the order with the Store by electronic means the Customer undertakes to pay the price indicated in the order.

4. Prices in the Store and the order are indicated in Lats including VAT.

5. Open24 sells products meeting the conditions specified in the order. In the event that products transferred to the Customer do not meet certain requirements stated in the order, the Customer agrees to immediately notify Open24 by phone and the latter undertakes to take all necessary steps to eliminate the existing deficiencies where such deficiencies have occurred through the fault of Open24 or third parties acting in the name thereof. If Open24 fails to eliminate the deficiencies within a reasonable time limit agreed with the Customer, the Customer shall have the right to defend the Customer's rights in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

6. Obligations of Open24 in respect of products:

6.1. Where a certain shelf life is established for specific products, Open24 undertakes to sell such products to the Customer so that the Customer is given a real possibility to use the products before the end of the shelf life.

6.2. Open24 undertakes to transfer products of adequate quality and meeting the requirements specified in the order.

6.3. Open24 undertakes to present the Customer with the quantity of products indicated in the order. Open24 shall not be liable in cases where the quantity of transferred products is not accurate due to incorrect data provided by the Customer in the order placed with Open24.

6.4. Open24 shall, in any case, present the Customer with an assortment of products meeting the criteria specified in the order.

6.5. In cases where a certain set of items is indicated in an order, Open24 undertakes to provide all the items contained in the set of items.

6.6. Products shall be delivered packed in view of their nature in order to ensure that the products are suitable for their intended use.

V. Payment procedure and deadlines

1. The Customer shall pay for the ordered products by one of the methods indicated in Open 24 Store: by using bank-link, e-banking or in cash (to the courier on delivery).

2. If the Customer chooses the online payment method, the Customer undertakes to pay for the ordered products immediately, otherwise the Customer will lose the right to make complaints about a breach of the terms of delivery, as the preparation of a shipment of products according to the Customer's order starts only after Open24 has received the payment for the products.

3. If the Customer chooses to pay for products in cash to the courier on delivery of the products, the ordered products shall be sent to the Customer only after contacting the Customer and making sure that the order is genuine and the delivery addresses are correct.

VI. Return of products

1. Customers shall be enabled to replace products transferred to them with other similar products with different measurements, shape, colour, design or composition or to return products that they do not like.

2. Customers may exercise such a right within 14 days of the moment of transfer of the products to them (counting from the moment Customers or other persons authorised by them sign the order receipt sheet). Such a right of Customers is associated with Customers' discontentment with the measurements, shape, colour or design of a product or a set of products.

3. Products shall be replaced and returned only if the replaced or returned products meet the following requirements:

(a) they have not been used;

(b) they have not been damaged;

(c) consumption properties of the products have been retained;

(d) they have not lost their marketable appearance.

Changes in the packaging necessary to inspect a product shall not be considered to be substantial damage or loss of the marketable appearance. In any case, products shall be returned in the original packaging, including the Open24 seal that shall not be removed from the products.

When returning products, Customers shall, in any case, present Open24 with the product acquisition documents.

4. Product Replacement and Return Rules define the products the return or replacement of which cannot be requested by Customers:

(a) perfumery, cosmetics and toilet preparations;

(b) baby clothes;

(c) vests for men, boys, women or girls, nightdresses, pyjamas and similar articles;

(d) bras, corsets and similar articles;

(e) printed books, reproductions and other products of the printing industry;

(f) tights, stockings, socks and other similar articles;

(g) toys, games, except for sports and fishing tackle

5. Products shall be replaced or returned after the Customer has filled in the form on the Open24 website, indicating the products returned or replaced and the reason for return or replacement.

6. In the event of replacement of products resulting in a price difference, the Customer shall pay Open24 such a price difference. The price difference shall be paid by a bank transfer to an indicated bank account of Open24.

7. In the event that Open24 does not have products suitable for replacement, the amount paid, excluding the cost of delivery, shall be returned to the Customer.

8. Products may be replaced or returned only if they meet the requirements laid down in paragraph 3 of this section of the Rules. The amount paid shall be returned within 14 days of signature of the return form. Amounts paid for the delivery of products shall not be returned to the Customer.

9. During special offers and sales, special conditions shall apply to the return of products and shall be complied with.

VII. Delivery of products

1. Open24 undertakes to deliver products to the Customer within 1–3 working days from the sending of a confirmation of execution of the order to the Customer. This time limit shall not apply in cases where there are no requested products in the Open24 warehouse and the Customer is informed of the lack of the ordered products. The Customer also agrees that in exceptional cases the delivery of products may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. In such a case, Open 24 undertakes to contact the Customer immediately and agree on delivery issues.

2. When ordering products, the Customer undertakes to indicate the place of delivery of the products, select the delivery time (indicated as a time interval) and the person who will accept the products.

3. The Customer undertakes to accept the products. In the event that the Customer cannot accept the products delivered to the indicated address and according to other data provided by the Customer, the Customer shall have no right to make complaints to Open 24 about the delivery of the products to a wrong person.

4. Products ordered in the Open 24 online store shall be delivered by an authorised courier service, DPD (hereinafter "DPD"). Products shall be delivered at a time agreed with the Customer. The Customer shall select the delivery time when placing the order. The delivery time shall also be indicated in the order confirmation sent to the Customer. In the event that the Customer cannot accept products at the established time, the Customer undertakes to notify DPD immediately: tel. No.: 67 387 284.

5. If DPD is unable to deliver the products through the fault of the Customer or due to circumstances controlled by the Customer, DPD shall additionally agree on a new delivery time suitable for the Customer. The products shall be re-delivered no more than twice. If the Customer fails to accept the products during the first delivery, the Customer shall have the right to take the products in a place agreed with DPD.  If the Customer fails to accept the products three times, the products shall be returned to Open24 and the Customer shall not have the right to make any complaints about failure to deliver the products on time. In addition, Open24 shall, in any case, be exempted from liability for a breach of the terms of delivery if the products are not delivered to the Customer or are delivered at a wrong time through the fault of the Customer or due to circumstances controlled by the Customer.

6.  The Customer shall immediately inform Open 24 by e-mail:

(a) if a shipment is not delivered at an indicated time interval or the courier is late more than 15 minutes from the end of the time interval;

(b) if no reply to an inquiry is received within four working hours after applying to the courier service to an indicated e-mail address or if no answer is provided after calling an indicated phone number;

(c) if the courier behaves disrespectfully during the delivery of products or looks untidy;

(d) in any case shall immediately notify Open 24 if the shipment is delivered in damaged, crumpled or otherwise damaged packaging; also in cases where the shipment contains products other than those ordered or the quantity of such products is wrong, the set of products is incomplete, the products are of an inappropriate size or measurements.

7. In any case where the couriers deliver products to the Customer in crumpled, wet or otherwise externally damaged packaging, the Customer shall indicate this in the confirmation of shipment delivery presented by the courier (write comments) or draw up a separate notice of such defects. The Customer shall do this in the presence of the courier. In the event of failure to perform such actions, Open24 shall be exempted from liability to the Customer for damaged products, provided that such damage has resulted from damaged packaging not indicated by the Customer in the confirmation of shipment delivery.

8. In the event that after accepting the products the Customer notices that the shipment contains an inappropriate set of products or the delivered products are of an inappropriate size, colour or other parameters, the Customer shall immediately notify Open24 thereof.

VIII. Placement of comments

1. All rules for the placement of comments in the Guest Book and Product Comments shall be established and compliance with them shall be controlled by Open24. Any placement of a comment in the Open24 online store shall automatically mean acceptance of all the rules for the placement of comments established by Open24.

2. In any case, Open24 shall have the right to remove comments violating both legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania, the rights of other persons and the rules for the placement of comments. In addition, Open24 reserves the right to remove any comments placed in the Guest Book and Product Comments at its discretion.

3. Any person placing a comment in the Open24 online store shall confirm that such a comment does not violate and will not violate the rights of any third parties and shall assume responsibility for his/her actions that would breach the aforementioned confirmations.

IX. Other provisions

1. All notices to Open24 shall be sent by e-mail at klientams@open24.lt or by phone at +370 5 2080009.

2. The agreement shall be concluded, performed and all communication between the Customer and Open24 shall be conducted in the official language.

3. Upon concluding the agreement, the Customer shall have the right to withdraw from the agreement within seven days without any additional conditions and obligation to indicate the reasons for such withdrawal. This time limit shall start from the moment the products are transferred to the Customer under the agreement (order).

4. The Customer may use such a possibility only if the item (product) has not been damaged or the appearance of the item has not changed substantially and the item has not been used (changes in the packaging to the extent necessary to inspect the item shall not be considered to be substantial changes).

5. Open24 undertakes to take the necessary steps to restore the condition that existed before the conclusion of the agreement within 14 days of receipt of the Customer's notice of withdrawal from the agreement.